Set Up Systems to Achieve Objectives

Goals give us something to aim for; a finish line to cross or a milestone to reach. Yet, goals alone are not enough. Achieving them requires the right systems: consistent, repeatable processes that guide actions and decisions toward success. While goals define the destination, systems focus on the behaviors and strategies that drive progress.

Why Systems Matter

As James Clear explains in Atomic Habits: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

In nonprofit organizations, systems bridge the gap between vision and reality. Goals like expanding program reach or enhancing staff performance are critical, but without supporting systems, progress may falter. Systems create a foundation for sustained success and long-term impact.

Practical Application

To build effective systems, use this simple formula: system = behavior + time + location. For example, if your nonprofit's goal is to implement a coaching program to enhance staff skills and improve performance, the system might involve hosting biweekly (time) 1:1 mentoring sessions (behavior) via Zoom (location).

Goals inspire action, but systems sustain it. Achieving a goal is only a momentary result, What you need to establish and refine is the system that caused the result.


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